#10525 Open Forum for Those in RCIA - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:
03:39 – My girlfriend is not Catholic but is now open to converting. Does she have to go through RCIA to just get baptized or are there other options? 
07:16 – I’m just getting started in RCIA but am in the class with children but getting mixed information of when I could join the Church. Should I just “parish shop?” 
15:39 – My fiancé is non-denominational, and her parents are strong evangelicals. How can I guide and lead her to the Church because she’s expressed interest? 
18:41 – I’m moving and am currently attending RCIA at a Novus Ordo (N.O.) parish, but I love attending the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). Should I start attending RCIA at the TLM parish or continue at the N.O. parish? I plan on receiving the sacrament at the N.O. parish. 
20:50 – I’m in RCIA and going with my wife but I’m not converting. If Mary and the saints are so important, why doesn’t Paul show that? 
29:12 – I’m in RCIA, regarding the “I” “We” baptism story: How do I know whether my pastor said the right words and am validly baptized? 
33:52 – I’m considering joining RCIA, there are currently no issues with me joining but if there is a problem within my family, is there a better way of going about joining the Church? 
43:06 – I’m having my teenage daughter come live with me. She doesn’t have much faith formation.  Does her entry to RCIA have to be on her behalf or can I put her in it?   
47:07 – I just came back to the Church, when does a sexual thought become a sin? 
51:40 – Do Catholic schools or RCIA do a better job at catechizing Catechumens? 

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