Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Questions Covered:

00:57 – If Calvin and Luther believe in the perpetual virginity of Mary, why, when, and who put a stop to this belief? Why was the doctrine of the Assumption defined?
04:28 – What is the Catholic justification for adding in the Filioque?
07:20 – Can you explain how Catholics should balance the worship/adoration of God and Mary?
14:17 – Where did the idea/ name for purgatory come from? And why don’t Protestants believe in it?
17:55 – I have a hard time joining together the common apologetics and the early Church history, especially with the letter of 1st Clement. When I read historians, I have a hard time connecting the two because the apologetic realm seems to be heavy and strict while the history realm tends to have a lighter take.
29:22 – I’ve learned that someone has to know that they’re committing a sin for it to be truly considered a sin. If someone was totally incapacitated, would they not be committing a sin if they’re not really aware that they are?
33:08 – Jimmy, what evidence do you have for your different opinion on the source of the Gospels?
40:15 – Could you explain the passage in Revelations that talks about Jesus spitting out those that are lukewarm? What is your opinion on those that are lukewarm in the present day?
46:19 – I’m converting to Catholicism and I learned I’m not supposed to read my old Protestant books. I know sometimes apologists read these to try to come up with ways to rebut what they talk about. Should I get rid of these or what should I do with them?
52:30 – In Matthew 16:18, if Jesus set up a visible, identifiable church, wouldn’t that prove Protestantism wrong because he protected his church from the gates of hell?

Questions Covered:

04:23 – I have a theory that when Christ said he emptied himself, he removed all his ability to stop what was going to happen to him because that was the only way for him to truly put himself. Could Jimmy give his opinion on this? 
15:49 – I’ve heard that approximately ⅔ of Catholics don’t believe in the real presence. If it’s a dogma, why would the 2/3s who don’t believe still be considered Catholics? 
22:48 – I was visiting another parish and the priest distributing the Eucharist said, “The body and blood of Christ” rather than just “The body of Christ”. Is it ok that he said this? And how did the early Church discern that we’re fully under one species? 
28:41 – I have a view of purgatory in which the people there are able to pray for people on earth. That they grow closer to God and eventually closer to heaven. Does this go along with Catholic teaching? Could you give me some insight into this? 
31:39 – Among Christians I see there’s two views, one where things are Good and God made the world, and the other where the world has fallen and the Devil has reign. What do Catholics believe about this and are we supposed to believe just one or the other? 
35:02 – In Genesis 1 when God is talking about making man, Trinitarian Christians say there’s evidence of the trinity because of the Hebrew words used to imply the plural, while others say that those same Hebrew words do not prove that. I want to know how to defend the trinitarian viewpoint. 
45:31 – Can the will of the father and of the son ever come into conflict? I’ve heard that in the Father’s perfection, there wouldn’t need to be a coeternal son and that he would be perfect in and of himself. 
49:41 – How do you know the difference between when your Guardian Angel does something for you rather than God? 
52:39 – What is St. Raphael’s job? 

Questions Covered:

01:18 – When Jesus tells the 12 apostles to receive the holy spirit, could you tell me how that plays out to the rest of the generations of the world? And how can we actually discern the Spirit?
12:32 – Did the apostle John write the Gospel of John or was it someone else?
22:23 – My 17 yo daughter asked me why the God in the Old Testament seems much more harsh than the one in the New Testament. Why does it seem this way?
28:51 – In Luke 16:9 it says “Make friends with dishonest wealth so that when it fails you, they may receive you into the eternal dwelling.” Could you tell me what it means by this?
33:04 – How does God never have a beginning?
35:50 – In Mark 10:17-18, why did Jesus say “Why do you call me good when only God is good?”
42:30 – What does it mean that Jesus was “perfected” or “sanctified”?
49:50 – In the bible does it say there’s no purgatory for children? And what would it be like for unbaptized children?
51:55 – Is racism a sin? In the bible, both Paul and Jesus expressed racist views. For example, Paul says people from the Island of Crete are all lazy and gluttons. Jesus also said people from Canaan are all dogs.

Questions Covered:

03:59 – I’m a Protestant and I’m wondering about regenerative baptism and Acts 10. How does it fit in with the Holy Spirit being upon them before and them being baptized because of it? 
11:38 – Last Sunday the gospel was “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a wealthy person to get to heaven”. What does Jesus truly mean by that? 
21:52 – What is the true name of the Messiah? I’ve heard that it’s Jesus but I’ve heard others as well. 
28:49 – I read in the New Testament that Jesus had brothers. Is this true? 
35:51 – Could you compare the passage Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” with Sirach 3:18-19 in terms of humility? 
42:05 – In 1 Corinthians chapter 7 when St. Paul tells those who he’s speaking to to be celibate like him, is he speaking to administrators or the congregation of laity? 
49:20 – In the bible it says Adam and Eve made original sin, so why is Mary the only one in the entire universe born without original sin? 
51:11 – We have a soul and pray, go to confession, etc. to improve it, but did Jesus have a soul like us?

Catholics in politics are big in the news these days. But a truly Catholic politics might not be what you think. We talk about the meaning of politics form a Catholic perspective with theologian Andrew Willard Jones author of new book, The Two Cities: A History of Christian Politics.

Cy Kellett:
What is the place of the church in politics? Andrew Willard Jones is next. Hello, and welcome to Focus, The Catholic Answers podcast for living, understanding and defending your Catholic faith. I’m Cy Kellett your host. Before we start, let me just review where we are as Catholics in the public …


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