#10723 Open Forum - Colin Donovan

Questions Covered:

03:20 – My sister’s Catholic and married a Muslim in a mosque but they’re now getting divorced. She went to confession, but the priest said he could not give her reconciliation until she was divorced. Is that correct?
07:09 – I went to daily mass this morning and an elderly guy didn’t go up to communion because he had a hard time getting around. I thought the priest should have gone to him and offered it to him. Could I have broken mine in half to make up for an oversight by the priest?
13:11 – I was talking to a protestant friend about the Eucharist and I brought up 1 Corinthians 11. He said that doesn’t mean it’s the true body and blood but it’s just affirming your unbelief and hardening your heart. What are your thoughts on this?
18:33 – What happens to unborn babies before they’re born? Do they go to “limbo”? If so, how long do they stay there?
25:00 – Why do we think the Catholic Church needs to control people’s free will in response to Roe v Wade when God doesn’t control our free will?
35:23 – What are the authoritative teachings on the Church’s stance on homosexual acts?
43:40 – I come from a Calvinist background. Could you explain St. Augustine’s view of predestination and perseverance of the saints?
50:50 – Yesterday in the show the guest left me with the impression that the Blessed Mother didn’t need to be Immaculate to be the mother of Jesus. Is this true?

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