Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

03:35 – Does Jesus have a created soul from his human soul in reference to “begotten not made” in the Nicene Creed? And what does the “not made” mean in reference to both His human and divine nature, if He has both? 
07:17 – How biblical are dreams and how much faith should I put into them? 
16:08 – My friend is convinced that Jesus was married. Could you tell me how to get through to her that He wasn’t? 
20:36 – I was away from the Church for about 48 years and I’ve recently come back. In a guide book I was reading on St. Peter, it said to refer to Joel 2:28. When I went to my NASV bible, there was no Joel 2:28, but there was when I went to my RSV bible. Why is it in one and not the other? 
24:22 – Before my husband and I got married in the Catholic Church, his parents said he was baptized, just not in the Catholic Church. He ended up becoming Catholic after we were married and we learned that he was never baptized at all but just “dedicated”. After knowing this new information, do we have to have our marriage validated in any way? 
31:08 – How far back does the tradition go for Catholics to celebrate mass every day of the week? 
33:40 – My parents are both deceased and I see them in my dreams every night. Why do they? Also, how do we know if we die? 
40:40 – How do we reason with those who are part of the progressive Christian movement today? Particularly on the acceptance of homosexuality. 
46:33 – I have part of my dad’s ashes on my dresser. It was not my decision to put them up there, but is this bad? Does this mean that his soul is lost?
49:22 – I’ve been looking for a good Catholic Bible, but in the process of this I was wondering why all of the Protestant denominations reject the books the Catholic Bible has and theirs don’t.

Questions Covered:

05:40 – Is the Pope a dictator? 
14:10 – Was the perpetual virginity of Mary defined at a council, and who were the other women at the foot of the cross other than John and Mary? 
19:05 – Is there no outreach from the Catholic Church compared to others? For example, going door to door or actively trying to convert people in public. 
28:48 – Could I get some pointers on how to defend Mary’s perpetual virginity? 
39:00 – I have family members that are Pentecostal. They say the saints are sleeping and there’s no way they can intercede for us at this point until the second coming of the Lord. Are they really sleeping or are they 100 percent alive? And where are our family members that have already departed? Can they intercede? 
44:55 – I’m looking for a one-stop-shop resource that’s a defense of Catholicism. Could you recommend one? 
47:42 – Is the “Oneness” doctrine considered blasphemy?

Questions Covered:
13:50 – If someone created a truly artificially intelligent being, would it be a sin to kill it? 
18:30 – My husband had a brain aneurysm and I ended up donating some of his organs but I never talked to a priest about it. Would you be able to tell me how to discern this matter? 
23:50 – Could you define what the church means by “extraordinary means to support life”? 
29:26 – What does the Catholic Church teach about Catholics practicing Yoga? I have heard about how just doing the poses can invite demons. 
33:25 – Could you elaborate on the Catholic response towards someone who’s “brain dead”? My stepdad passed away with oxygen to his brain. I wanted to talk about this experience and was wondering if Father could talk about what happened. 
43:15 – Could you talk about the pneumonia and shingles vaccines and the use of aborted fetal cells in them? 
45:32 – A patient asked me to prescribe Cialis, but I knew he was using it with a mistress. Was it wrong to give it to him? I also had a patient whose parents were going to place her in an institutional setting, and they wanted to put her on birth control so she wouldn’t become pregnant in case she was raped. Was it wrong to give it to her? 

Questions Covered:

07:16 – How could someone be a good “Berean” and know what tradition teaches if it’s not in scripture? If sacred tradition is true, why is so much of it not spoken about in the bible? 
16:16 – When a bishop publishes a book, does that count as holy scripture as well? 
25:08 – During the Church’s 1054 bipolar split, did sacred tradition prevail against the gates of hell? 
29:32 – How do we identify what you call “sacred tradition” in its present form? 
41:17 – I’m an Anglican but I agree with the importance of Sacred Tradition. 

Questions Covered:

22:41 – I’ve always been told that the Kingdom of God is unfolding through time. Is technology a manifestation of that?
38:14 – I think there’s possibilities of extraterrestrial life because Jesus said he has other sheep not of this fold, and because the Bible mentions the word “cloud” a lot.
47:52 – When does technology addiction become a sin?


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