Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

05:46 – I’m non-Catholic and am inquiring more about Catholicism. What do I make of the pope and other cardinals and their interactions with leaders of other faiths? 
16:41 – Do the souls in purgatory pray for us on earth before they get to heaven? 
21:06 – Where in the bible and in the early Church writings does it say that we receive Jesus’ glorified body in the eucharist? 
23:25 – Should I remain in the Church if we are all just Christians? 
28:38 – If a bishop gets “fired” would he still have the authority to ordain others and administer the sacraments? 
31:08 – Why don’t Catholics believe in predestination? 
35:28 – An Episcopalian friend asked that if she believes that the Catholic priest consecrates the host, why can’t she receive communion? 
40:33 – Why do we need Godparents to receive certain sacraments? 
42:22 – How can someone know if they have been relieved from moral culpability due to addiction? 
46:20 – What does the Church teach about agnostics who are seeking the truth but haven’t been convinced? Would they lose salvation? 
48:55 – Were the people who lied to the Nazi’s about hiding Jews commit a mortal sin? 
51:23 – An atheist friend claimed that there are 28 other figures that fit the exact mold of Christ. How do I respond to this? RESOURCE: 

Questions Covered:

05:46 – What do I make of the pope and other cardinals and their interactions with leaders of other faiths? 
11:35 – What’s the response to the accusation that the pope is the figure mentioned in the book of Revelation that will usher in the anti-Christ? 
15:38 – Can I safely assume that my devout mother skipped purgatory and went directly to heaven? 
17:18 – How authentic is the teaching that Mary will deliver you from purgatory if you wear the brown scapular? 
20:31 – Is it reasonable for Catholics to say that governments shouldn’t be involved in marriages and civil unions? 
28:48 – Can you point to the biblical evidence for the Eucharist as a sacrifice? 
35:54 – Who gave the Latin Church the authority to define the canon of scripture? 
44:22 – My son asked me, why do we still talk about purgatory if it’s not in the bible? How do I respond? 
50:41 – Are the early church fathers as authoritative as scripture?   

Questions Covered:

02:25 – If you get blessed before you die, do you go straight to heaven? 
04:54 – In 1 Cor. 7, St Paul says no one should get married. Can you clarify what he meant?   
11:39 – I’m Protestant. Regarding the process of the canonization of saints, and the qualification of bearing good fruit. I see this as flawed because some cultures like Wiccans claim to produce good fruit from worshipping Mary.   How should the process be understood? 
20:13 – What are your thoughts on the statement that people have a misunderstanding of Vatican 2 because local churches haven’t properly educated people and implemented the council? 
28:58 – What separated the Catholics and the Orthodox? 
33:31 – How does one discern when humor is sinful? 
40:56 – Can the devil enter souls? 
47:17 – At the last supper, did Jesus actually turn the bread and wine to his body and blood? 
51:41 – What is the bible verse that Jesus says that his apostles are hearing what he’s saying but not listening? 

Questions Covered:

05:35 – In Genesis it says that there were wild and tame animals but there was no mention of tame and wild animals in the garden of Eden. Could you explain? 
08:08 – What’s the best historical evidence that the resurrection happened? 
15:42 – How do I correctly explain things to people online? 
20:41 – Could you explain the Calvinist idea of total depravity and compare it to the Catholic and Orthodox understanding of original sin? 
28:36 – What would you say to someone who says that Catholicism is only one form of Christianity? 
35:52 – I’ve come to disagree with a major Catholic teaching. What do I do and should I still be approaching communion? 
44:26 – Why do Catholics pray to Mary and not God? 

Questions Covered:

18:14 – My sister never disciplines her children. How can I help?
23:47 – My child refused to return to school after Covid19 and now refuses to go to Church with us. What do we do to get him to come with us? Where do we draw the line?
33:28 – How can I help the behavior of my grandchildren without meddling?
40:15 – How do I deal with parenting guilt knowing that my adult child has many issues?
44:45 – I really appreciate your comment that ‘you are a better parent than you think you are.
50:27 – Thank you for the advice that you gave me on raising adult kids.


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