Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

09:16 – Are Catholics finding it difficult to argue for certain moral issues since the issuance of Vatican II documents that emphasize the primacy of conscience?
17:47 – I think if we followed what the Council said things would be a lot better, and fewer people would receive Communion unworthily.
19:59 – Do you think we can get back to what the documents of the council truly say?
24:15 – If we believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, why did Vatican II change the way of receiving communion to the hand?
32:16 – Why would anyone become Catholic if we teach ecumenism?
35:06 – Why were Protestants involved in Vatican II?
39:10 – How can Lumen Gentium 16 be true since the Muslims deny the Trinity?
45:57 – The faithful never received what the bishops voted on at the Council. So it’s hard to discern the fruits of the council.
49:04 – Why do all the Vatican II popes have all these ecumenical events with other world religions, like the Assisi events, that are explicit violations of the first commandment?

Questions Covered:

32:28 – I’m post-abortive. I’ve repented and converted to Catholicism. But I still struggle in that I feel on some level that people should have a choice.

Questions Covered:

03:48 – What is your opinion on who built the megalithic structures in the Azore islands? 
08:27 – Can I be a good Catholic and believe in Universalism? 
18:46 – What constitutes being in a state of grace? Do you need to be in a state of grace to receive communion? 
30:18 – Does the devil still have access to heaven? Also, does the devil have to take permission from God? 
42:27 – I’ve been feeling the need recently to pray for a person I’ve never met. How can I be sure to stay away from anything occult and how can I best pray for them? Also, are there any stories of saints having feelings of souls needing prayer? 
48:45 – I’m a Lutheran. Is there one thing you would recommend from Catholicism for Lutherans as an extension from the faith? 
52:21 – Is it ok to have mass said for a departed loved one who was not Catholic? 


Questions Covered:

06:07 – My son was received into the Catholic Church at 1 year old. Would he be considered a cradle Catholic? 
10:43 – What does it mean to be Jewish? Is it a nationality or purely a religion? If someone were to convert from Judaism to Catholicism, would they still be ethnically Jewish? 
14:21 – What’s the difference between the Chinese Lunar New Year and regular New Years? Also, since we’re in AD, shouldn’t the new year be celebrated in relation to when Jesus died? 
23:37 – I had a pocket watch blessed a couple weeks ago. Does anything about the blessing change if I remove the chain? 
28:53 – I found a website that makes it easy to go between English and Greek with the Septuagint and the New Testament. What do you think of it? Also, could you give me some advice on writing about my RCIA process? 
37:33 – If the Catholic Church teaches that by way of baptism salvation is still accessible to Protestants, then how come it also teaches that someone dies outside of friendship with God without confession? How are they still able to be saved since they don’t have confession? 
44:32 – I’ve heard multiple competing Catholic comments about Martin Luther’s acceptance of each book of the canon. What is the truth? 
48:09 – Can Jesus, and by extension Mary, get sick? 
51:49 – If you die a martyr but have a mortal sin on your soul, do you still go straight to heaven?

Questions Covered:

04:55 – When I was young and attended the mass in Latin, I didn’t understand what was happening at the altar. It seemed nobody had any connection with each other or with God. Why can’t the mass today be a cooperation between Latin and English?
17:19 – In Boston, priests that moved from the Anglican church to the Catholic church can’t advertise that they are using the Anglican rite. Why is that and if there are people that like it, why can’t it be used more?
28:42 – I’ve been sick for 11 years and on bedrest. I’ve had so much joy and it’s been a happy time but recently my brain isn’t working as well so it’s hard to pray. Can I please have some pastoral advice for how to continue to be close to God?
39:28 – It seems that there are more options for ministry in Protestantism than in Catholicism. It seems that if you’re not a priest, there’s not as much you can do in terms of higher study. Is that correct or is this a misconception and there’s more than just being a lay person?
46:03 – What are your thoughts as to why people that are passionate about the Latin mass don’t put that same effort into the Novus Ordo mass? Is it really the guitars and English that are keeping them from the newer mass?
50:05 – I used to be Protestant pastor and I’m now Catholic. I’m fully tattooed from the neck down and married. Is there any way I can become a deacon while being fully tattooed?


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