Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered: 

04:02 – What evidence is there for Hell?
11:02 – Is it immoral to play audio or watch a video of someone saying the Lord’s name in vain?
14:23 – Do you think there are more than two James? Is James the less different than Jame the brother?
21:34 – Question about predestination. Did God know who I was going to date before I dated them?
28:42 – Why does the Catholic Church have a pope? Is the Pope biblical?
35:27 – Is receiving the Eucharist in the hand wrong?
41:58 – Is consuming artificial sweeteners immoral? Because artificial sweeteners are intentionally not nutritional.
50:41 – Can the multiverse be real?

Questions Covered:

02:30 – Would there be a licit way to do something like the Bachelor to find a spouse?
06:03 – How do Catholics avoid picking between the beliefs of the Church Fathers?
16:58 – What causes someone to lose their salvation?
18:10 – Is there a relationship between modern Israel and 1st century Israel?
21:47 – I’ve heard Skinwalker ranch is based on a curse in folklore. Could this be a case of diabolic infestation?
28:30 – Why does the Catholic church claim to have changed the sabbath day because it had the ecclesiastical power to do so?
31:20 – Can you clarify any of the lies related to the Jewish Talmud?
37:01 – Did the early Church Fathers believe in the doctrine of atonement?
46:38 – Why isn’t the Ascension mentioned much in the Bible?
52:18 – Is there a good book to give to someone who is interested in faith but has no religious background.

Questions Covered:

04:50 – How do I respond when someone asks if I denounce other gods? It feels like a “gotcha” question.
28:29 – What can my friend who is a new Catholic do who just found out his grandfather was a Freemason?
35:08 – Regarding Lev. 23, on what days did the appointed festivals fall on. Were they all on Sunday?
41:25 – Will the generation that sees the end of time have to pass through death? If not, then how will the souls be purified if they don’t go to purgatory?
44:55 – If Jesus promised to return at the end of time, how do we square that with Jesus coming back constantly in the Eucharist?
47:52 – What’s a generational curse?
50:45 – If Ex. 15 says we have to keep the sabbath, why then Sunday?

Questions Covered:

16:21 – Should you give a general state in life when in confession?
19:19 – Am I doing something wrong if I don’t feel anything after confession?
23:26 – I haven’t been to confession in over 20 years. What’s your advice on how to approach confession after so long?
31:20 – I’m a new Catholic coming from a Protestant background. I approach confession for venial sin but the priest is almost dismissive when mentioning those sins. What’s your advice on how to handle it?
36:37 – I’m not Catholic. Is it true that you have to be sorry to go to confession or can you go and pray for the grace of repentance after going to confession?
43:05 – Do venial sins need to be confessed?
46:30 – How do you get over going to confession confessing the same sin over and over again?

Questions Covered:

05:32 – Can you help me better understand purgatory? I still can’t wrap my mind around it?
13:43 – What’s the difference between the assumption of Mary vs the saints in heaven. Do saints have their bodies?
18:53 – What’s the Church’s teaching on vasectomies?
29:30 – Acts 5 Why were the couple struck down because they didn’t donate all they have? How do we understand that in the context of today? Can we be struck down too?
41:06 – Do spouses continue to have a special relationship in heaven?
44:15 – Regarding the Papal Bull Unum Sanctum, do we still teach that all those who are saved must be subject to the Roman Pontiff?
50:39 – I had a dream multiple times about my uncle after he died. In the dream he was suffering and asking for help. Does this mean he was in purgatory?


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