#11587 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

03:43 – Does the Church allow the faithful to believe polygenesis?
11:51 – How do you respond to the boring hell objection?
14:56 – My new pastor uses a lot of incense and I have a severe sensitivity, to the point of getting physically sick. It’s been going on for months and I’m growing in resentment since he is not willing to change. What can I do?
22:23 – If time is different in heaven, and I go to heaven, can I intercede for myself?
28:30 – If the early Christians came up with a fixed date for Christmas, why does Easter’s date change? Shouldn’t it be fixed too?
33:15 – Humane Generis Paragraph 5-6. What does it mean by continual evolution?
44:37 – According to Church teaching, when is a revolution necessary or just?
51:40 – My grandmother was a Jew woman who became a Messianic Jew. Given our Jewish background am I supposed to continue following the Jewish feasts?

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