Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

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Open Forum – Questions Covered:

04:23 – When Jesus sent out the 72 disciples in pairs of two, what was the gospel they preached? Jesus hadn’t yet suffered, died, risen, or ascended, and he hadn’t even proclaimed the fullness of his teachings yet, nor had he instituted the Eucharist or sent the Holy Spirit – so what was their “good news?”
07:53 – Why does God permit the damnation of souls He created?
10:47 – Did the Donner party commit unrepentant mortal sin?
18:55 – Is there a word in English that rhymes with Orange?
20:03 – Who is Joseph in this prayer? “Lord God, who left us the signs of your Passion on the Holy Shroud in which your most holy body was wrapped when you were lowered from the cross by Joseph, grant us, most loving Lord, that by your holy death and burial and by the sorrows and sufferings of your holy Mother Mary, our Lady, that the souls in Purgatory may be brought to the glory of the resurrection where you live and reign with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.”
23:08 – But how do you tell if something is the will of God versus the will of another human being imposed upon you?
28:36 – Is there a definitive theology concerning wealth, and if not, why not?
33:02 – Help me out with the elusive “hold hands/orans posture” vs. no change in posture during the Our Father for the laity. If both are allowed now, what would be the reason in favor of doing the hand hold/orans posture?
44:49 – I would be interested in your thoughts on the late paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren (husband-and-wife demonologist/clairvoyant trance medium, allegedly employed by the Catholic church on occasion). They remain part of popular culture thanks to the “Annabelle” and “The Conjuring” films.
49:01 – How can we counter Protestants who name the same tired insults regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary as Mother of God as well as the false claims that we worship her?
51:55 – Why do Catholics all shake hands at the reenactment of the Crucifixion of Jesus?

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

6:14 – What do you make of the statement in 1 Maccabee 12:21 and it’s accuracy? Could the Greek demonym Danaans be for members of the tribe of Dan, so that some Greeks were once Jews?
14:49 – I understand a common answer on Catholic Answers is that the era of “public revelation” ended with the death of the Apostle John. Any further revelation is considered “private” and not binding to the faithful. My question is, “Why?” Wouldn’t the era public revelation have ended with the Ascension of Christ? If not – and original apostles could add to public revelation, then why not their disciples, and the disciples of their disciples, etc.?
20:06 – I have several follow-up questions to Michael’s question: In Lamentabili Sane, Pope Pius X condemned the following proposition (#21): “Revelation, constituting the object of the Catholic faith, was not complete with the Apostles.” Was there any magisterial precedence for this condemnation? After the publication of Lamentabili Sane, many theologians restated the condemned proposition as a positive statement: “Revelation was completed with the death of the last apostle.” But in more recent years, some theologians are stepping back from that positive statement. If Public Revelation did not end with the death of the last apostle, is there a definite time, event, or condition which closed the era of Revelation? Could you walk us through the steps to show how “Revelation was completed with the death of the last apostle” is not infallible teaching, if that is the case? Thanks in advance!
28:56 – Could the intro to the gospel of John be discussing the pre-incarnate Christ? I’ve heard this as an opinion held by some. Note that the verses talk about Jesus coming into his own before in verses 10 through 13, before announcing he became flesh in Verse 14. Is this a plausible interpretation? Did any of the fathers hold it?
36:37 – The book of Jonah: history or parable?
42:30 – When Jesus performed various miracles in the gospels, why did He tell the recipients not to tell anyone what He had done? Why did He want His miraculous deeds to be kept secret?
47:23 – Could God create a rock too heavy for him to lift?
50:15 – When the stone was rolled back from the tomb, what became of the cord and seal?

Questions Covered:

15:26 – Would these synthetic embryos be soulless when they become full grown adults?
23:53 – Do the scientists who work on the embryos consider them humans or just scientific objects?
31:10 – Doesn’t anyone believe in the healing power of God instead of just depending on science?
37:25 – How are we supposed to think about it philosophically if humans create other humans and whether they have souls?
42:35 – If life begins at conception, then how does one enforce laws around miscarriages?
46:26 – Could plan B be ethical if you take the approach of self-defense in a situation of rape?
50:17 – Why would it be unethical to end a life if the quality of life is low?

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

05:55 – What was the timeline and details around the nativity of the Lord and their movement?
09:51 – If the bible wasn’t put together until the 300’s how can the early church claim that a heresy, such as Marcionism (140 AD), was against scripture?
15:54 – Is Mary the woman in Rev. 12 Mary? If so, she had child pains, so does that mean she was not sinless?
23:54 – Does Vatican II’s decree on ecumenism contradict tradition?
28:15 – How does one deliver the beauty of Catholicism?
44:56 – If Jesus flipped tables in the temple because of the money changers. How then, can we justify raffles, bingo, and casino nights at our churches?
49:43 – Can I receive communion at a Byzantine Catholic Church and is it licit for them to clean the spoons with just water?

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

19:45 – Why did Jesus say his parables were intended to hide the truth lest the people hear, their eyes opened and be saved?
30:41 – As a Christian, how can you ask for money?
40:45 – I’m a new Catholic. What would be considered appropriate to include for a personal prayer space?


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