Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

06:46 – Is the newest booster vaccine approved by the Catholic Church? 
11:40 – Why are the gospels named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John if they weren’t necessarily written by those men? 
19:05 – In Tobias in the Douay–Rheims I find a story about a dog and the angels. I don’t find that story in any other translation. Why is that? 
34:44 – Is Mt. 28:19 a directive for everyone or just priests? 
41:16 – I know we are required to forgive whether they want forgiveness, but we must want to be forgiven for God to forgive us. Why is that? 
47:48 – Why did Jesus tell Mary Magdalene not to touch him but told Thomas to touch his wounds? 
51:28 – Can a priest perform their priestly duties without a stole? Where is the stole in the bible? 

Questions Covered:

04:17 – Gen 46-48 says Abraham, Jacob, Isaac died in their hundreds specifically the number multiplied by each other ex. (5x5x7, 6x6x5). Is there a specific meaning behind that? 
11:15 – Does the bible say which form of government is ideal? 
19:20 – Why is it rare that passion narrative pieces are read throughout the year in Mass? 
21:34 – Is there a bible passage that clarifies either the Nicene creed and apostles’ creed statement “conceived by the Holy Spirit” or “incarnate of the Holy Spirit?” 
29:15 – Maccabees say that it’s good to pray for the dead. What good did it do at that time if Jesus hadn’t opened the gates of heaven yet? 
35:04 – What was Luther’s theological foundation for breaking away from the Church? 
44:50 – What is the legitimacy of the 3 vocations and is being single a vocation? 
52:04 – Why would Abraham and Isaac go to other kingdoms and claim that their wives were their sisters? 

Questions Covered:

05:12 – Why doesn’t the Catholic Church consider other Protestant denominations’ communion valid?
12:06 – If God is outside of time and in the eternal, how does God know if someone didn’t honor the sabbath or know of delayed obedience?
15:23 – Is there anything in the Catechism that says anything when the baby in the womb has a soul?
19:52 – My household is very lukewarm. I’ve become curious about learning more about the Theotokos. What is it?
29:51 – What does it mean to be in the state of Grace?
35:54 – An abortion doctor in Indiana performed an abortion on a 10-year-old. How do I defend life in that situation?
41:47 – Is there a program that I can order online about apologetics? Where can we go to get a good explanation about the Inquisition and the crusades?
46:04 – Is it a mortal sin for a Catholic married couple to use the withdrawal method?

Questions Covered:

03:06 – Could you clarify the Catholic belief on double effect and abortion?
12:19 – The bible says to “not spare the rod” when disciplining a child. What does that mean? And what is the Catholic understanding on discipline?
16:45 – What’s the proper way to end the rosary? If feels rather abrupt when concluding it.
22:27 – Is it appropriate to refer to the Holy Spirit as feminine?
28:49 – How would you explain the different verses in the bible like “Vengeance is for the Lord” and not seeking revenge?
36:08 – I just discovered that my health insurance covers and supports abortion. How morally culpable am I? Should I cancel my insurance?
45:51 – Has the Church deemed the teaching of universal salvation heretical or heterodox?
51:32 – I would like to propose a different meaning for the word ‘viable’ and would like to get your thoughts on it.

Questions Covered:

06:46 – Why is it important to confess your sins to a priest instead of asking God directly?
24:17 – I’ve recently rediscovered my faith. How can I bring my family back to the Church without being overbearing?
20:39 – What is the Church’s stance on Marijuana?
23:59 – How do I simply respond to someone asking how I know I’m saved?
40:17 – Where do dinosaurs fit into the creation story?
45:30 – How do I get over the hurdle of feeling like we worship Mary?
51:20 – Why do we need the Eucharist if we have the Holy Spirit who is always with us?


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