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We started the Word on Fire Show back in 2015, right after Bishop Barron was consecrated bishop. Now, three years later, after 170 episodes and 6 million downloads, we’re ready for the next phase. But to get there, we need your help! Learn about the future of the show and why your support will be critical to making it happen.

We are in a battle, but our primary enemy is closer than we might like to imagine. In order to gain true freedom and victory, we have to know this enemy and know when to say no to them.

In this twelfth lesson, Dr. Jan George, a retired university teacher of literature with a Master of Theology from the University of Dallas and founder of Sacred Heart Productions, discusses:

  • The Paraclete Uses Our Suffering to Good Purpose
  • Changing One’s Mind
  • Obedience to the Voice of Christ in His Apostles
  • The Fragrance of Christ

To find a study guide for each part of the program and to learn more visit:


During the last half hour of this special broadcast from the University of Mary's Vocations Jamboree, host Fr. Craig Vasek and RPR Executive Director Steve Splonskowski had the pleasure of visiting with Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia and Msgr. James Shea, U-Mary President. Our hosts were also joined by Msgr. Gregory Schlesselmann of the Diocese of Fargo to offer his thoughts and reflections on the Jamboree.

During the first hour of this special broadcast from the University of Mary's Vocations Jamboree, host Fr. Craig Vasek and RPR Executive Director Steve Splonskowski sat down with two sisters from the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Congregation to talk about their order and what drew each of them to the religious life. Following this, our hosts were joined by the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus from New Ulm, MN to share more about the Handmaids and their joy for being called by God to the religious life. Finally, Jerome Richter, Vice President for Public Affairs, and Marianne Hofer, University Ministry Event Coordinator, sat down with Fr. Vasek and Steve to talk about the beauty of having an event like this on campus and how U-Mary works to support vocations and vocational discernment.

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