Audio Highlights
Recordings from special events, guest speakers, live drives, and more!
Most Recent Episodes
Many people battle with perfectionism. God’s mercy in the midst of failure is His remedy for the fear that failure is the end.
In March 2019, Bishop Barron was interviewed by Dr. Jordan Peterson for the Jordan B. Peterson Podcast. To say the discussion was highly anticipated is an understatement. Fans of both Dr. Peterson and Bishop Barron have asked for these two great minds to meet, and their wide-ranging, nearly two-hour discussion is worth the wait.
Although the interview hasn’t been made public yet on Jordan Peterson’s channels, in this episode we discuss some of the most interesting parts of the interview.
During the first part of this month's episode, the Rutten brothers reflected on their movie of the month: Unplanned. In the second part of the hour, they talked about investing in relationships and the importance of living aware of God's presence in our lives and how that can impact those relationships.
We can think that God loves us because we are good and we deserve it. The truth is that He loves us because He is good and we need it.
Recently, The New York Times featured an op-ed by philosophy professor Peter Atteton, who tried to show that the idea of God is incoherent. Bishop Barron responds to Atteton’s points and shows how there are no logical problems with believing in God.
A listener asks whether Catholic universities should begin offering an evangelization major or concentration.