Audio Highlights
Recordings from special events, guest speakers, live drives, and more!
Most Recent Episodes
Recently, The New York Times featured an op-ed by philosophy professor Peter Atteton, who tried to show that the idea of God is incoherent. Bishop Barron responds to Atteton’s points and shows how there are no logical problems with believing in God.
A listener asks whether Catholic universities should begin offering an evangelization major or concentration.
In this third lesson, Dr. Jan George, a retired university teacher of literature with a Master of Theology from the University of Dallas and founder of Sacred Heart Productions, discusses:
- Prelude to Jesus’ Public Ministry
- Jesus Reveals Himself in Galilee
To find a study guide for each part of the program and to learn more visit:
In this second lesson, Dr. Jan George, a retired university teacher of literature with a Master of Theology from the University of Dallas and founder of Sacred Heart Productions, discusses:
- The Nativity of Our Lord
- The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple
- The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
To find a study guide for each part of the program and to learn more visit:
In this first lesson, Dr. Jan George, a retired university teacher of literature with a Master of Theology from the University of Dallas and founder of Sacred Heart Productions, discusses:
- Introduction
- The Annunciation
- The Visitation
To find a study guide for each part of the program and to learn more visit:
In this final lesson, Dr. Jan George, a retired university teacher of literature with a Master of Theology from the University of Dallas and founder of Sacred Heart Productions, discusses:
- God’s Jealous Love for Us
- Loyalty to the Teachings of the Apostles
- The Foolishness of Human Measure
To find a study guide for each part of the program and to learn more visit: