Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Trent Horn explains why we’re Catholic- our reason for faith, hope, and love, and responds to callers who disagree.
Questions Covered:

01:21 – I am almost ready to be Catholic but Mary really holds me back. 
16:19 – I’ve never been Catholic. I’m not Catholic because of the current issues with the Church. 
24:36 – I am Oriental Orthodox because I see problems with the philosophy of Roman Catholicism. 
42:08 – I am not Catholic because I have studied historical theology and don’t believe that the current Catholic Church is the same as the early Church. 
52:26 – I am not Catholic because I have a problem with praying to the saints. If I did have the time to pray, why wouldn’t I pray to God directly? 

Book Trent to speak at your parish or next event. 
Want more from Trent Horn? 

Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues 
Why We’re Catholic: Our Reasons for Faith, Hope, And Love 
Persuasive Pro-Life: How to Talk About Our Culture’s Toughest Issue 
Answering Atheism: How to Make the Case for God with Logic and Charity 

Trent Horn explains why we’re Catholic- our reason for faith, hope, and love, and responds to callers who disagree.
Questions Covered:

12:27 – I was Catholic until the 1980s when I left for the evangelical Christian church. What happened during that time period that drew so many people away from the Catholic Church? 
20:03 – I feel compelled to convert to Catholicism but I feel that it will upset my family greatly. 
29:25 – I am not Catholic because I am a Christian believer. I was interested in becoming Catholic but was told I had to go through a year of preparation before I can fully enter.  
43:09 – I am not Catholic because I don’t understand Catholicism. Most of what I hear you talk about on the radio makes no sense to me. 
43:09 – I am not Catholic because I don’t understand Catholicism. Most of what I hear you talk about on the radio makes no sense to me. – Let’s go to David next 
49:29 – I left the Catholic 6 years ago and became Anglican. I am being pulled back– I went to Mass and confession this past weekend. Something that really holds me back is indulgences. I do see the historical evidence for the truth of the Church. 

Book Trent to speak at your parish or next event. 
Want more from Trent Horn? 

Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues 
Why We’re Catholic: Our Reasons for Faith, Hope, And Love 
Persuasive Pro-Life: How to Talk About Our Culture’s Toughest Issue 
Answering Atheism: How to Make the Case for God with Logic and Charity 

Trent Horn: Catholic Answers Live – 01/13/20

Questions Covered:

15:48 – Was the Garden of Eden heaven? And are people in Heaven in a re-made Garden of Eden?
19:22 – Who actually wrote Genesis? When was it written?
30:23 – Is Genesis metaphorical or historical?
35:54 – Some Jewish groups use the first five books of the bible to say that Jesus didn’t have the pedigree to be messiah. But why do they not consider the rest of the Old Testament?
43:13 – A priest told me that we don’t have to believe the sacrifice of Isaac is real history, that it is just symbolic. Is that true?
52:00 – Who are the “Sons of God” in Genesis 6?

Questions Covered:

15:15 – What is the formal declaration of an atheist? Do they just believe there is no God?
19:47 – How do you prove to an atheist that God doesn’t make mistakes?
29:07 – Can you explain the proof by Aquinas for God’s existence?
34:10 – What resources can you recommend for kids who are having questions about atheism?
44:35 – Why does the burden of proof lie on the atheist?

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 
Questions Covered:

04:25 – How do I know who is speaking the truth in a world with so many voices claiming to be true? 
11:47 – How much of the Council of Constance is still valid? 
15:51 – What is the chronology and places of the events from Christ’s infancy to early childhood? 
21:33 – If there are other civilizations in the universe, did Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross save them, too? 
28:51 – Were the Psalms written before, during, or after the falling out that David had with Bathsheba? 
33:35 – How can I explain to Calvinists that human beings do have free will? 
42:47 – If Jesus is in the Eucharist and the Trinity is never separate, then are we receiving the Trinity? Also, are we receiving the Church and the Communion of Saints? 
52:13 – Is there a category in Catholic theology called unintentional sin? 

Want more from Jimmy Akin? 

The Bible Is A Catholic Book 

Teaching with Authority 
A Daily Defense: 365 Days (plus one) to Becoming a Better Apologist 
The Fathers Know Best: Your Essential Guide to the Teachings of the Early Church 


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