#9651 Open Forum - Tim Staples
Questions Covered:
02:29 – How do John 21 and Matthew 5 relate to the Church?
10:55 – What does John 6 mean?
17:08 – Is it true that any prelate who is heretical incurs excommunication on himself? If that is the case, then how is there apostolic succession?
21:25 – I don’t understand the difference among justification, salvation, and sanctification. How does the Church understand these?
34:10 – How can the saints hear our prayers?
41:52 – Who are the seven women mentioned in the Eucharistic prayer?
46:13 – Is there a complete list of Catholic doctrines anywhere? If not, then how do we know how to discern doctrine?
52:35 – Is 1 Corinthians 1:4 related to the elect?