Catholic Answers LIVE
Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America.
As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns, social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it!
Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive.
Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!
Most Recent Episodes
Questions Covered:
18:12 – What is the proper response for a Catholic man to everything going on right now?
23:34 – Why does the seamless garment argument keep arising amongst our priests when it has been disastrous previously?
33:10 – How would you tie in the French Revolution? What kind of communism was that?
41:42 – Do you have any perspective on cooperatives that are Marxist socialism that doesn’t require government intervention? Could the Catholic Church align with that?
47:00 – What does the Catholic Church teach about slavery? Is it intrinsically evil or is it a developed doctrine?
Listeners are welcome to call in with any question about the Catholic faith.
Questions Covered:
05:25 – How do Catholics understand the two natures of Christ? Since he was human, did he make mistakes?
11:31 – Can we go to confession over the phone and receive absolution?
13:13 – What do you think about the statue of St. Louis being removed?
18:00 – If a priest is excommunicated and then brought back into communion with the Church, would they come back as a priest or as a layperson?
22:57 – Why does the Catholic Church still worship on Sunday when the Sabbath was on Saturday?
30:37 – What does the word ‘blessing’ mean? How can we possibly bless the Lord? Why does the Bible say, “Bless the Lord, o my soul!”?
33:48 – Was Christ perfect because he never sinned, or was he unable to sin because he was perfect?
40:48 – Do the different orders of priests in Catholic Church believe different things or do they have the same faith?
43:06 – Can you delineate between the Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church? I am thinking about coming back to the Church.
47:57 – The Commandments say, “Thou shalt have no other Gods before thee.” Is that law being broken by saying the Rosary?
49:50 – Did Jesus learn carpentry from St. Joseph? St. Thomas Aquinas says that Jesus didn’t learn anything from anybody.
52:03 – Was the Virgin Mary born perfect or did she make herself perfect by not sinning?
Resources Mentioned:
20 Answers: Prayer
The Apostasy That Wasn’t by Rod Bennett
Is there a Catholic model for economics? If so, what is it? If not, what contribution can the Catholic Faith make to economic theory and practice?
Cy Kellett:
Hello, and welcome again to Catholic Answers Focus. Actually, before we start Trent, Jon Sorensen says that you’re really good at promoting your podcast at the beginning and he tells me that I’m really bad at it, and I have to get better at it. So, could you tell me what you do at the beginning of your podcasts, and then I’ll try it and you tell me if I’m doing a good job?
Trent Horn:
I’m happy to do that C…
Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.
Questions Covered:
04:00 – Did Martin Luther get a few things right at the time of the Reformation?
08:55 – How do you know if someone is a male or a female? What determines gender?
16:42 – If the saints are in purgatory as stated in Revelation, then how can they also be in the presence of God?
23:16 – At the Second Coming, what will happen to people who need to go to Purgatory?
28:58 – Can we trace a historical lineage for Jesus, Mary, and Joseph? Can we know that they were real people?
33:30 – It seems like Genesis 3:14 and Genesis 6:5 are in conflict. How should we understand this?
42:30 – How should Catholics respond to churches like Hagia Sophia that was taken over by Muslims?
46:25 – Why do Catholics believe that saints can aid in salvation?
51:07 – Is the word homosexuality in the Bible? Was it introduced recently?
Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.
Questions Covered:
08:25 – Can two transgender people date and marry each other if their genders at birth were male and female?
15:44 – St. Iranaeus says that both Sts. Peter and Paul established the Church. How do you know Peter was the first pope and not Paul?
18:51 – How is the Mass an unbloody sacrifice?
40:20 – Why do Catholics perform infant baptisms?