#9901 Catholic Answers Quiz Show - Karlo Broussard
Catholic Answers Live Christmas Quiz Show Extravaganza
Which gospel is the only one that mentions the magi?
a) Matthew
b) Mark
c) Luke
d) John
Which gospel is the only one that mentions the shepherds visiting the baby Jesus?
e) Matthew
f) Mark
g) Luke
h) John
Which gospel does not start with the infancy of Jesus but before the beginning of the world with the words “In the beginning was the word”?
a) Matthew
b) Mark
c) Luke
d) John
Why did Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem?
A) To be counted for the census
B) To visit Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth
C) An Angel told Joseph to go there
What is the first season of the Church’s liturgical calendar?
A) Easter
B) Advent
C) Christmas
Who was the ruler trying to find the Christ-child to destroy him?
A) Pontius Pilate
B) Caesar Augustus
C) Herod
What is the Incarnation?
a) God entering Jesus at his baptism.
b) God assuming a human nature and becoming man.
c) God taking on the appearance but not the nature of a human.
What is divinization (also called theosis)?
a) When a person is made like God so as to share in the divine nature.
b) When Jesus appears gloriously at the Transfiguration.
c) When Mary is conceived in the womb without sin.
Who is the theotokos?
a) The beloved disciple.
b) Jesus
c) Mary
Jesus has two natures:
a) But only one will, the divine will.
b) And two wills, human and divine.
c) But the two natures are fused into one nature.
If a priest performs a sacrament while in a state of mortal sin?
a) The sacrament is invalid
b) The sacrament is valid.
c) The sacrament is technically valid, but no grace comes from it.
Who can baptize?
a) Bishops, priests, and deacons
b) Any baptized person
c) Any person with the right intention
ROUND 3- Final Judgement
1. True or False – Constantine started the celebration of Christmas as a Christianized version of the Roman pagan holiday.
2. True or False – The Holy Spirit is created by the love of the Father and the Son.
3. True or False – Faith without works is dead.
4. True or False – The souls in heaven are still awaiting the resurrection of their bodies.
5. True or False – The Church no longer teaches that baptism is necessary for salvation.
6. True or False – Without the grace of God, which we cannot merit, we cannot be saved.
7. True or False – Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings.