Catholic Answers LIVE
Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America.
As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns, social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it!
Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive.
Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!
Most Recent Episodes
Yet whether we like it or not, almost every corner of our lives—from dissertation writing to channel surfing—brings us face to face with competing philosophies and world views, each claiming to tell us definitively what it means to be human. How can we know which one is right? And what difference does it make?
Questions Covered:
13:03 – How, as Catholics, are we to read the pagan philosophers?
21:37 – How can we combat human constructed truths and relativism?
32:12 – I have a 10-year-old daughter who is really questioning God. Is there a resource out there for her to answer some of her questions? She’s a big reader.
36:15 – What is the difference between philosophy and metaphysics?
46:00 – Earlier you said that the only alternative to Nietzsche was Thomas Aquinas. Nietzsche makes a lot of sense to me. I am Catholic, but why shouldn’t I believe him?
Resources Mentioned:
The One Minute Aquinas by Kevin Vost – Stefan Molyneux – FreeDomain
Real Philosophy for Real People Fr. Robert McTeigue .S.J.
Fr. Spitzer – The Magis Institute –
The Death of Christian Culture
How can we best handle the trials of life and manage our emotions? How can we calm the fears of our family members?
Questions Covered:
13:33 – How do you help someone who is in the middle of an anxiety attack?
22:26 – I have a 10-year-old son who has been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks, especially when walking through a restaurant or somewhere that he feels is too crowded. How can I help him?
34:54 – Since the pandemic started, I have been very afraid. How can I deal with my fear?
41:55 – I had a frustrating conversation with a person at the grocery store about faith on Saturday. I really lost my temper and I butchered what I wanted to say. Should I go back and apologize, or should I just move on?
45:55 – I have bipolar disorder. In the last 6 months, I have felt like I don’t need my medication. My family wants me to go on it, but I feel like God doesn’t. What should I do?
48:32 – My fiancé is anxious, and the kids get on her nerves a lot. She says she hates her life. How can I help her?
Resources Mentioned:
Unworried by Dr. Popcak
The author of a brand new book called Exorcism, Father Vincent Lampert explains exorcism as a ministry of charity. The long-time exorcist of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis has seen many strange things, but insists that the most important lesson from exorcisms is to rely on Christ, who is the help of all in need.
Cy Kellett:
Let’s talk with an exorcist, right now on Catholic Answers Focus.
Hello, and welcome to Focus, the Catholic Answers podcast for living, understanding, and defending your Catholic faith. I’m Cy Kellett, your host. If you generally choose to listen to this podca…
Questions Covered:
02:10 – What’s Jimmy’s favorite meal to eat on a Friday during Lent?
03:45 – Do I get to keep my tattoos after the Last Judgement?
07:13 – Apart from Jesus’ Passion, would Jesus ever have gotten sick or hurt, or would Psalm 91, which Satan quotes, apply and he would be protected? Would He have allowed Himself, Mary or an Apostle to become sick or hurt?
14:32 – Does the Emily Blunt character in the Tom Cruise movie “Edge of Tomorrow” commit murder every time she kills his character to restart the day?
20:16 – What should we make of the up and coming problem of human composting of bodies vs. Catholic burial? It is being implemented in Seattle and already approved by law there.
24:36 – How was the male seed provided to fertilize the egg which enabled Jesus the Christ to germinate? How was the DNA determined for the male contribution to Jesus’s zygote?
30:10 – What do you think the spiritual state of a Time Lord is?
31:54 – Given that Divine Revelation has provided us knowledge of invisible beings called angels and demons, and given that the fall of Adam is what threw the entire universe into discord, and given that all rational creatures are necessarily disposed to worship of God through the Incarnation of Christ, what possible room could there be for the existence of an unknown, unreached race of intelligent beings on other planets not accounted for by Revelation?
39:28 – In what sense could it be said that unicorns (or dragons or trolls or Captain Picard) exist?
45:55 – A Jewish friend asks me this all the time: How could the wise men have seen the star in the east if they were east of Judea?
48:40 – If Raiders of the Lost Ark was written to have Indy and his girlfriend open the Ark instead of the Germans would they have died in the same way the Germans did or no since they didn’t have any evil intentions with the Ark itself?
50:33 – I would love to hear a layman’s explanation of the immutability of God—how God is unchanging and exactly what that means for a personal God who watches over us changeable beings.
52:27 – What happens when you have two popes and, God forbid, the second one dies first?
02:10 – What’s Jimmy’s favorite meal to eat on a Friday during Lent?
03:45 – Do I get to keep my tattoos after the Last Judgement?
07:13 – Apart from Jesus’ Passion, would Jesus ever have gotten sick or hurt, or would Psalm 91, which Satan quotes, apply and he would be protected? Would He have allowed Himself, Mary or an Apostle to become sick or hurt?
14:32 – Does the Emily Blunt character in the Tom Cruise movie “Edge of Tomorrow” commit murder every time she kills his character to restart the day?
20:16 – What should we make of the up and coming problem of human composting of bodies vs. Catholic burial? It is being implemented in Seattle and already approved by law there.
24:36 – How was the male seed provided to fertilize the egg which enabled Jesus the Christ to germinate? How was the DNA determined for the male contribution to Jesus’s zygote?
30:10 – What do you think the spiritual state of a Time Lord is?
31:54 – Given that Divine Revelation has provided us knowledge of invisible beings called angels and demons, and given that the fall of Adam is what threw the entire universe into discord, and given that all rational creatures are necessarily disposed to worship of God through the Incarnation of Christ, what possible room could there be for the existence of an unknown, unreached race of intelligent beings on other planets not accounted for by Revelation?
39:28 – In what sense could it be said that unicorns (or dragons or trolls or Captain Picard) exist?
45:55 – A Jewish friend asks me this all the time: How could the wise men have seen the star in the east if they were east of Judea?
48:40 – If Raiders of the Lost Ark was written…
What is truly happening in the Vatican and the Church throughout the world? Now, with JD Flynn.
Questions Covered:
29:42 – Are there any updates on the Fulton Sheen beatification?
31:00 – Has the Vatican been infiltrated by homosexuals, communists, and Freemasons?
36:52 – To what extent are the Vatican finance issues related to the structure of the organization and the lack of internal controls?