#10023 Open Forum - Fr. John Trigilio

Questions Covered:

04:13 – I was taught that taking the Lord’s name in vain meant using the Lord’s name for a vain purpose. Is that correct? 
07:39 – What would happen if a pope did teach heresy? 
15:23 – My cousin claims that the Church is founded on pagan belief and traditions. How can I respond to him? 
19:33 – I grew up Protestant and we would end our prayers by saying, “In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.” Why don’t Catholics end their prayers like that? 
22:13 – When in Church history did private confessions begin? 
29:51 – Is it against Church teaching to play with subliminals to change your perception or body? 
35:33 – What is the Church saying about the morality of taking the covid vaccines? 
44:13 – How can I prove that faith and science are very compatible? 
48:32 – I have heard in my history class that Jesus’ life happened at the same time as Jewish riots in his area. Would Jesus have rioted? 
52:26 – If your parents ask you to do something wrong or immoral, must you still honor them as the commandment says? 

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