Catholic Answers LIVE
Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America.
As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns, social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it!
Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive.
Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!
Most Recent Episodes
Questions Covered:
03:13 – With all of the virus stuff going on, does the Church allow for couples to marry legally at court and then convalidate later when things die down?
07:10 – What language did Jesus speak?
13:49 – Was there an artist or sculptor during Jesus’ life who might have created an image of him?
16:44 – How does the fall relate to human evolution? Did homosapiens interbreed with neanderthals?
20:23 – Was there some change in Jesus’ nature that occurred during or after the Resurrection?
28:54 – What is the best way to learn about the correct interpretation of the Bible?
36:38 – Scholars claim that some of the epistles in the New Testament were not actually written by who they are attributed to. Does this affect inerrancy in Scripture?
43:30 – Is it true that the most ancient rite in the Church is the Roman rite?
50:15 – Did Jesus want us to rely on grace or just pray for grace?
Questions Covered:
11:46 – What are the essential elements of the Mass?
13:43 – How did the different rites of the liturgies develop?
19:32 – Why don’t we use the Gloria during Lent when it has a penitential segment in it?
23:14 – Is the whole Mass condensed into the high priestly prayer in John 17 (“Glorify your Son, that your Son might glorify you,” etc)?
24:20 – If we attend an Eastern rite Mass, does that count for our Sunday obligation?
33:00 – When we refer to “the Lamb’s supper” is that referring to the eucharistic liturgy or the whole thing?
34:50 – Where do we get incense and what is the purpose behind it?
36:06 – Why did the Mass translations from a few years back need to happen?
43:10 – How much liberty can the priest take in changing the words of the Mass?
47:50 – Back in the ‘50s I remember the idea being tossed around of translating the Latin Mass into the vernacular. Why didn’t that happen?
Questions Covered:
05:03 – Can animals receive sacraments?
12:28 – After Vatican II, did the communion rails and east-facing churches go away immediately, or slowly over time?
16:00 – Jesus says not everyone who says “Lord, Lord,” will be saved. How do I know I’m not one of them?
22:18 – Why do Catholics have a crucifix and Protestants have a bare cross?
23:52 – I’ve heard that the Latin Mass focuses more on the sacrifice and the Novus Ordo focuses more on the meal. Is this true, and if so, why?
30:11 – What is the significance of women wearing veils?
34:22 – My niece doesn’t want to make her confession to a priest. Is she still eligible to receive the other sacraments? And how can I explain the importance of confession to her?
41:04 – Am I allowed to take a job in a very remote area where I know I won’t be able to make it to Mass for a few weeks?
44:55 – What have you found are the best ways to encourage people to check out the Latin Mass?
47:34 – What is the dress code for attending a Latin Mass?
49:30 – Is it acceptable to give a priest a birthday card with money in it?
51:35 – Can you explain the minor orders and the role they play in the liturgy?
Karlo Broussard, the author of Purgatory is for Real, addresses an email correspondent who asks: “Isn’t eternal punishment unfair for finite sins?”
Cy Kellett:
Is hell unfair? Karlo Broussard, next. Hello, and welcome to Focus, the Catholic Answers podcast for living, understanding and defending your Catholic faith. I’m Cy Kellett, your host. And today, we actually tackle what in many ways is probably the most difficult doctrine of Christian faith. The doctrine of hell, of the existence of hell and of the fact that some go there. It’s difficult for emotional reas…
Jimmy takes listener’s weird and wacky questions, offering a Catholic perspective in his responses.
Questions Covered:
04:15 – Since AI machines (drones, robots, “terminators”, etc) are not living beings, and are not dead, could they be considered “undead” in the same idea as zombies, animated skeletons, ghouls, vampires (Dracula type), etc?
06:04 – Do vampires go to hell when they die or are killed? And if so, what would that mean for a person who was a Christian who turned into a vampire unwillingly also go to hell upon their death as they cannot use holy water or touch holy/blessed objects, lastly if vampires existed would they be treated as demons or demonic and would an Exorcist be the one to expel them.
12:15 – Let’s say there is a scientist, and he created a time machine. He is a lover of history and wished to visit the time in which the Colossus of Rhodes was constructed. He takes the time machine to that time period. But, while visiting that time period he contracts a rare illness and passes. Upon death, and having died in God’s friendship, would he go to the Bosom of Abraham or Heaven? Since God exists outside of time, I would think He might go ahead and honor the fact that the scientist was originally from a time after the Resurrection. But, if so inclined, God could hold the scientist to the circumstances of the time period and send him to the Bosom of Abraham to await the Incarnation.
14:28 – I firmly believe in the power of therapy. However, and I’ve seen it firsthand, sometimes the problem is spiritual rather than social or psychological. I have read that demons and tempters cannot read your thoughts (I know they can “read” your physical changes, and hear what we say, but not read thoughts the way guardian angels can). So, with that said, is there any danger to my clients to talk about their fears and troubles? I imagine that demons can overhear and then emphasize or enact them into their lives if wanted. I’m curious- is therapy spiritually dangerous in this way?
23:00 – I’m writing a novel about vampires, and I was wondering: would it be immoral to have a catholic vampire who subsists by taking the Eucharist instead of drinking other people’s blood? Additionally, can vampires be saved, and what are the moral implications of a vampire using hypnosis, or a similar ability, to charm people into obeying him? Finally, is it morally licit for me to make the vampires in my novel descended from the Biblical Cain, as a result of the curse laid on him by God in Genesis 4?
34:26 – I am a fan of all the Jimmy Akin shows, and I wanted to ask, regarding situation in authoritarian countries: If I was a Catholic, abducted by a government as a dissident, and I requested they provide me with a Catholic priest to hear my confession and maybe give me sacraments how do I know it’s really a priest not an impostor? And if he is an impostor and I don’t know that am I to believe that my confession was valid?
39:23 – On weird questions you said it is possible that a human-animal chimera could have a spiritual soul. If so, how would it be Resurrected, as a chimera or as a human?
43:44 – I just discovered Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World and am loving it. My question for Jimmy is: Should a Catholic have second thoughts about working for the FBI, CIA, or other U.S. intelligence agencies? I just listened to the Mysterious World episode about Frank Olson, and that, along with the episodes about the Waco siege, the Ruby Ridge incident, MKUltra and others show a clear pattern, in my opinion, of clear disregard for human life and human rights in some cases — and the above are the examples that we know of.
46:30 – If Jimmy could spend a day with any historical figure, both living and not living, who would he choose, why would he choose that person, and what kind of conversation would Jimmy like to have? Mine would …