Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Questions Covered:

03:36 – What did ancient people (by that I mean anyone born before the modern period with phones and movies) do for fun?  
10:58 – How do we know if it is God or a coincidence, when a prayer is “answered”? 
15:30 – If a third of the angels fell along with Lucifer, and these were the angels created to adore Jesus, do you suppose in some way that all of our guardian angels will fill this void when we enter the Church Triumphant? And sorry if this has been asked before but what about the guardian angels assigned to the souls that go to hell? I’m assuming they don’t get dragged along with poor souls that reject God’s mercy. 
20:18 – My daughter missed confirmation because of COVID then leukemia. She still doesn’t have confirmation, does she need confirmation to still receive the Eucharist? 
22:10 – Can you explain why some priests say the charismatic movement is not real and the talking in tongues in that movement is diabolical or that Baptism in the Spirit is not real, and then other priests say they have the gift of tongues and run charismatic renewal centers? I am conflicted by the different messages that seem contradictory. 
28:54 – Christ said he had to go to the Father or the Holy Spirit would not come. Did Divine Procession effectively change due to the hypostatic union? 
30:17 – Was the Blessed Mother’s “appearance” to James in Spain an “apparition” or ” biolocation”? 
34:55 – Will we eat food in Heaven? Jesus in His resurrected and glorified body asked the apostles if they had something to eat. 
40:25 – Can one who obeys the Natural Law be saved even if he doesn’t explicitly affirm Christ and his Church? 
41:35 – Does the Holy Spirit prevent Popes from making prudential/pastoral decisions that can harm the Church, including undermining our understanding of the doctrines of the Church? 
44:07 – We have consecrated virgins. My understanding is in the Latin rite we don’t have consecrated widows. Is it just the Latin rite, or all Catholic Rites? 
45:27 – Was it a condition of the rich young man’s salvation to sell all he had and follow Christ? Was it an invitation he could morally decline? What about Mary when she was asked to be the mother of Jesus? More broadly, is choosing to not live the vocation God has invited you to a sin- the kind that can jeopardize your salvation? Are we free to choose “vocation B” even though God has asked us to choose “vocation A”? 
51:01 – Why is Boethius not viewed as a Saint and Martyr? 
53:10 – “1 Peter 3:21 says that baptism is ‘an appeal to God for a clear conscience.’ Therefore, babies cannot get baptized because they cannot make appeals.” How would you answer that objection to infant baptism? 

Questions Covered:

03:21 – 1 Sam 18:10 says “an evil spirit from God rushed upon Saul.” How are we supposed to interpret that when nothing evil can come from God?
10:06 – Can you help me understand in what sense Jesus is God? How can a thing have two natures? Is it the same way the Burning Bush, or the Eucharist, is God?
19:39 – What are the reasons a person might hear voices?
28:55 – My spiritual director has been cautioning me against treating novenas and relics like magic. But in last Sunday’s gospel we hear of the woman who was healed because she believed if she touched Jesus’ clothes she would be healed. How can one have that kind of faith without treating it like magic?
38:05 – Does Matthew quote the Septuagint?
45:50 – What’s the difference between black magic and white magic?
48:42 – I had an experience in early youth that led to my conversion later in life. Have you heard anything like that before? What kind of experience is this?

Questions Covered:

10:52 – Does the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 relate back to a council 1 Chronicles 28? I’m thinking that if it does, it could be more proof for the papacy.
17:14 – Does Matthew quote the Septuagint?
21:53 – I heard an interpretation of the story of Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac that Abraham failed because he should have offered himself in place of Isaac. Is there any truth to that interpretation?
31:46 – I find it’s hard to use 2 Macc 12:46 to defend Purgatory to Protestants because they don’t believe in that book. How do you deal with that?
40:20 – How do we answer someone who says that God is Jehovah?
45:22 – How do we answer free-gracers that bring up Rom 3:20 as proof that works of the law are all works?
49:50 – What is the biblical evidence for inclusivism, meaning that God has mercy for those who through no fault of their own have not heard the gospel? And if there’s time… Why does Acts 1:5 talk about a water baptism and a holy spirit baptism, but Eph 4:5 says “one baptism.”

Questions Covered:

05:35 – My youngest daughter decided to leave the Church and became Lutheran. She will be getting married with a Lutheran pastor officiating. Can I attend?
17:58 – Why don’t we point to images of angels of death and say that it’s St. Michael the Archangel? Doesn’t he do God’s work of bringing death to the earth?
20:25 – How does NFP fit into a Catholic life and being open to life?
34:35 – Is pirating games online immoral?
40:54 – I’m not Catholic. What is the Catholic view of the rapture?
46:37 – I pray the Divine Mercy novena for family who has left the Church. Will this help them when they pass away to avoid hell?
50:36 – Why didn’t the Church make exorcism into a sacrament?
53:03 – Does the Church uphold the validity of a marriage outside of the Catholic Church in the situation of the previous caller’s daughter?


Questions Covered:

07:03 – I’m close to coming to faith but hell doesn’t seem to fit with an all-loving God. Can you explain?
40:34 – Can you give a summary on the Catholic Moral life?
50:07 – If you start worshiping Buddha, Is that a big sin?


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