Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

03:30 – Why can only a priest consecrate the Eucharist if anyone can baptize with the right intention?
06:38 – How much of saintly intercession would apply to old testament figures?
13:41 – Is there a connection between Jesus entering into hades to retrieve the souls and the Catholic understanding of Purgatory?
17:13 – Regarding Isaiah 53:4, the story of a suffering servant. It says that the servant smitten is by God. How do we as Catholics understand this?
22:19 – Is there some way to determine if someone is in a state of grace?
30:01 – Was Judas ever given the grace to be saved or was he doomed to fail?
35:12 – I just became Catholic. My biggest issue was infant baptism. What am I supposed to say to my children if they grow up and question me why i didn’t give them a choice?
37:24 – Does God love some more than others?
41:43 – The Eucharist liturgy doesn’t make sense, especially transubstantiation.
45:34 – The Church claims infallibility but why should we believe the rest of the teachings that aren’t declared infallibly?

Questions Covered:

03:11 – How do I make sense of 1 Corinth 11:5 on the topic of head coverings?
16:01 – How do I respond to someone who says they don’t adhere to the biblical interpretation of condemning homosexuality because times have changed?
20:55 – With Mary being called woman and the woman at the well being called woman, what’s the distinction in Jesus calling them both by the same title?
28:50 – Can you clarify and navigate the stern and loose interpretations of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus? What’s the clear correct understanding?
36:45 – If Catholics take John 6 literally, how can we call Protestants our separated brothers and sisters since they “have no life in them?”
43:47 – What’s the role of Mary in the Church? Is she being worshiped?
48:00 – I’m a convert. Is Mary the dispenser of all graces? How can all the saints hear all of our prayers?

Questions Covered:

02:22 – I have discussed the doctrine of whether or not the pope had supremacy, and whilst I quote church fathers, he states other who are against papal supremacy. Why don’t the church fathers agree?
08:08 – for a new convert from southern Baptist domination, should I be concerned my baptism is invalid because my pastor likely did not have the intent needed as stated in the catechism
14:23 – How can I put Leviticus in the most positive light for believing Christians that aren’t particularly sophisticated in their theology?
20:10 – How to convince Protestants of Marian doctrine?
28:57 – Why do we call Mary, Jesus, Moses, ect. just by their names, instead of St. Mary, St. Jesus, ect. ?
32:45 I just need help understanding the trinity. The more I learn, the more I think I don’t know.
35:50 – I’m trying to understand the Church’s Treasury of Merits? what exactly is it and how does it work with Purgatory?
42:10 – why are only the successors of Peter important and not the other apostles? When Peter died was the apostle John subject to his successor or did John hold more authority? Peace
47:21 – Is the SSPX in full communion with the Church?
49:45 – Is belief that elves exist compatible with catholicism? What is the strongest point against the idea of sola scriptura, or that every teaching must be found in the Bible?

Questions Covered:

05:11 – Would it be accurate to say the Nicene Creed is part of the deposit of faith?
08:23 – What is palmarian church
14:19 – Can there be a pope from one of the Eastern Catholic Churches?
17:41 – How can one be a liberal Catholic and still believe in the teachings of Christ
31:16 – Is it wrong to love God because you fear Hell?
36:40 – Do we need to confess venial sins that were taken away by our last communion? Or does that show doubt in the efficacy of communion?
41:22 – I see people often wondering if a life decision is God’s will. But as long as one is loving God fully, and loving their neighbor, isn’t everything that falls under that God’s will?
47:52 – IS the Sabbatine privilege for wearing brown scapular endorsed by Catholic Church ?
49:44 – is it true that God loves some people more than others?, hence why certain people have more graces, are chosen to be priests or even have a better fulfilled purposes in life. thank you.
52:46 – What is your commitment when it comes to honoring/respecting parents or grandparents when they refuse to communicate to you and tell blatant lies about you regarding serious sins?

Questions Covered:

02:22 – I was at a gun show in Idaho not long ago and one of the vendors was a born again Christian group handing out Jack Chick tracts. I walked past them fairly quickly, not because I didn’t want to engage but because I was trying to catch up to my son-in-law. As I was walking back up the aisle they were on I was distracted by a vendor selling antique rifles, some going back as far as the Revolutionary War, when someone said to me “thank you for your service!” I turned to my left to see a guy, about my age, and he repeated himself. I thanked him but explained I hadn’t been in the military. He looked surprised then said something about the color of my eyes (hazel/green) and when I realized who I was talking to I knew I was stuck. It was the Pastor of the group handing out the JC Tracts. Long story short he asked me if I knew I was saved. I said yes. He asked if I knew I was going to heaven I said it’s my hope, but that ultimately was up to me. Then he commences to break out a green, hand held, KJV military Bible (one that I have), reads me some scripture, and asks if I will pray with him. I said of course! We commence the praying and I realize this was my altar call…I was being made born again. After the prayer he congratulated me…and I started to feel uneasy. It’s bothered me since. I know I hadn’t renounced my Catholic faith because the prayer was pretty generic, but there’s a part of me that thinks I made a mistake. Did I, or am I being overly scrupulous? 
05:47 – How did authorship work in the ancient and medieval periods? For example, I heavily doubt that Homer made a fortune selling copies of The Iliad and The Odyssey or that Plato sold copies of The Republic. How were ancient writings circulated? I imagine having to hand copy every word from every scroll would put a damper on how accessible they would be in markets. Did every individual who copies the Odyssey have to copy down “Written by Homer” with it? What if someone wanted to take the same Odyssey and pass it off as their original work? Also, how would the average man living in these periods know which authors (who are trying to pass information down) are genuine and which authors are hacks? 
16:26 – I just learned about Hilazon blue. Is there a checklist of all the things needed for rebuilding the Third Temple, and what’s left? 
18:36 – You have mentioned before that God could have created a universe that appeared to be eternal, that is, without a beginning (I hope I have that right…). I do not understand this, as being “created” would seem to require a beginning (otherwise, God would not need to create it). Or are you saying that it merely has the “appearance” of always existing, but was created? In which case, does that mean that God is deliberately deceiving? 
22:01 – Why do we restrict Protestants from receiving the Eucharist except in certain limited circumstances (grave necessity)? Children baptized into the Catholic faith are able to receive the Eucharist before being confirmed. There is no difference (as far as I am aware) between a valid Catholic baptism and a valid Protestant baptism, so there is no ontological difference between a baptized-but-unconfirmed Catholic and a baptized-but-unconfirmed Protestant. Belief cannot be the answer, since many Protestants (while in RCIA and before their confirmation) have the same faith as Catholics. Is it prudential? 
28:34 – Why is the Protestant account for the canon of scripture untenable? 
34:05 – How will we be able to interact in heaven with our loved ones without a body? (That is, until they are resurrected.) 
35:44 – John 20:22, our Lord breathed on the apostles and gave them the Holy Spirit. Thomas was not with them. When did Thomas receive the Holy Spirit? 
40:47 – What is a good source to use to get authentic news from what th…


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