Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

02:32 – How seriously should we take people who claim to receive visions from God of the future? 
10:57 – Who are some of the Protestants who claim that the word “imputed” was never mentioned by St. Paul when talking about Abraham’s faith? 
16:15 – If you don’t complete your penance after confession, does that nullify your absolution? 
19:39 – Do we have to obey our bishop’s vaccine madate? 
23:56 – Is infant baptism biblical? 
32:15 – Why are people certain that they know God exists or doesn’t exist when there’s not conclusive evidence for either side? 
41:32 – How do I reconcile the non-stable, non-eternal nature of forms (like in evolution) with providence? 
46:46 – How are both the Church and Mary our mother? 
49:40 – Is “selling your soul to the devil” real? 

2:31 – Who are the “sons of God” in Genesis 6? 
06:17 – Isn’t it okay for us to be angry at God? He can handle it. And isn’t it wrong to say Jesus chooses hardship for us? That sounds Calvinist. 
16:09 – When we go to heaven, will we have less knowledge of God than the angels, the same, or greater? 
21:04 – How did we get from a God who visits punishment on us for four generations (in the Old Testament) to one who says we must forgive seventy times seven times? And how would I answer an atheist who says that makes God cruel? 
30:17 – Why in the Church in America is there a tendency to question or criticize the Pope instead of trying to understand what he’s doing? (regarding motu proprio) 
35:06 – Is there any evidence from the early Church Fathers of what happened to Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea? 
40:21 – Do I have to agree with all of Catholic Social Teaching in order to become Catholic? 
44:30 – Is the name “Jesus” synonymous with “Joshua”? 
46:15 – Is it a sin for me to allow my family members to receive Communion when they shouldn’t? 
48:13 – How much credibility should we give to the writings of saints and mystics, especially when talking to non-Catholics? 

13:59 – What can we do day-to-day to encounter God’s love for us, especially when we’re experiencing difficulties? 
20:23 – If we want to invite someone to Church or a Bible study, but they have a very shadowy past, where do we draw the line between being merciful and being cautious? 
29:47 – What exactly does it mean to say God is love? Does it mean he doesn’t have a choice but to love us? That sounds kind of impersonal to me. 
34:48 – How do I deal with imposter syndrome with Jesus? 
41:57 – Did Jesus stop being love when he said “Father, father, why have you forsaken me?” 
45:42 – How can I be like Harold (the first caller) and stop being so mad at Jesus for my suffering? 
51:08 – I take communion to people in hospitals and nursing homes. How can I get more people to help with this? 

Questions Covered:

01:02 – I have three arguments for why women should be allowed to be priests. 
15:07 – What’s the scriptural and/or traditional basis for saying the fall of the angels took place before the fall of man? 
21:46 – What is the connection between Christ’s ongoing intercession and the Eucharist? And if Christ’s intercession is reliant upon his sacrifice, doesn’t that hinder God’s omnipotence? 
29:09 – Why would we choose wearing either a scapular or crucifix instead of the other? 
35:14 – Do my wife and I have to wait to get our marriage convalidated before we try to conceive? 
41:44 – What happens to Protestants who are in mortal sin but don’t have the sacrament of confession available to them? 
47:50 – When we pray the Fatima prayer, do we really mean “Lead all souls to heaven” or just the elect? 
51:15 – What happens to people who are ill and die without receiving last rites? 

Resources Mentioned:

Edward Feser, How to Go to Hell
Catholic Answers Focus: Is the Church Hiding the Book of Enoch?

04:41 – Why does Peter have such a strong reaction in Acts 10 against eating what is unclean when he heard things like the bread of life discourse? 
08:54 – How does free will play into the story of the Fall of man? 
16:05 – Is there any subtle mention of the Trinity in the Old Testament? 
20:27 – What do these verses from Isaiah and James mean? 
24:05 – How do I respond to the claim of limited atonement? 
35:20 – Sometimes I feel like God has set us up to sin. We’re predisposed to sin, but God set us up that way. Why would he make us like that? 
42:30 – Is it okay for me to attend my half-sister’s wedding after she’s left the faith? 
47:36 – Is it okay for me to worship on my own instead of in a particular church? 
53:03 – Is it okay to work at a place where you can reasonably suspect people go to commit sin? 


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