#10510 Give Up Worry for Lent - Gary Zimak
Questions Covered:
13:52 – With everything going on with Russia, I worry a lot about my soul and my children. How can I compartmentalize and prioritize? How can I not bring those worries into my home?
18:41 – Does worrying negate your trust in God? Can you have peace and still have some worry?
22:58 – Worrying as a parent, how do I let go of always being in defense mode over my kids?
29:17 – I grew up as a protestant and always heard of Catholic guilt. Where did we get the idea that if you’re Catholic you are full of guilt? Do we need to feel guilt?
33:01 – What advice would you give to parents whose children struggle with anxiety?
40:43 – I worry over my health issues, I was just diagnosed with cancer. How do I cope with this daily?
45:38 – If I don’t worry about things I don’t get things done. How do I deal with that?
48:53 – Where’s the line between being too laid back and worrying?
51:23 – Sacred Heart Radio…How can we alleviate the stress of anxiety? How can we not be so angry when we worry? I shut down and fall into a toxic cycle.