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The Catholic Church claims that it is the church established by Jesus Christ. What does that mean? And how do we know it's true? That's what Dr. Chris and Renae Kranz discuss in this episode.

Join Sharon while she explores the Gospel of Luke!

Looking back, there are some things we could have known. And looking back, there are some things we could never have known. But one thing is unfailingly true when seen through hindsight: every decision comes at a price and every choice has a cost. Making the decision is risky, but there are things that are more important than staying safe.

Being a holy human usually requires being a healthy human. Join Dr. Chris and Emily Leedom as they discuss human formation: what it means and why it matters.

Today we share the first half of Bishop Baron’s talk titled “Knocking Holes in the Buffered Self: Approaches to the Question of God.” He gave the talk at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary as part of their Kenrick Lecture series.

Many—especially the young—in today’s time have absented themselves from the practice of faith. Our culture and time is anomalous in the extreme, in that it’s the first ever to widely entertain God’s nonexistence. Christians, at least in the West, are facing a practically unprecedented crisis of disaffiliation. But there are paths out of the cave, and that’s what Bishop Barron reveals.

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