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Death is final. The death of Christ was thought to be final. But it wasn’t the was just the beginning.

Today we share Bishop Barron’s talk from the FOCUS SEEK 2021 conference. The talk is titled “The Identity of Jesus” and explores how Christ had the authority to fulfill the Law of the Old Testament and bring about the will of God through the Church.

We're still in the Easter Season, celebrating the Resurrection. But sometimes our own sufferings and wounds from the past make it hard for us to *experience* the Resurrection, to *experience* God. Our human hurts harm our relationship with God. So what do we do with that? That's what Dr. Chris and Alison Conemac discuss in this episode of Ignition.

The brothers Rutten talked about hope, suffering, and embracing the Cross as they reviewed their movie of the month: The Passion of the Christ!

Join Sharon while she explores the Gospel of Luke!

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