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We are not yet who we are called to be. Sometimes, in order to become the person we are called to be, we need to stop holding on to what is holding us back. Other time, we need to keep holding on. The ability to make and keep a promise is one of the ways we are called to become who we are created and redeemed to be.

oday we begin a five-part series of discussions on the book of Genesis. In this first episode, we focus on the Creation story.

Genesis is of course the first book in the Bible and perhaps the most foundational, but it’s also the source of so much confusion. Bishop Barron clarifies what the author is intending to convey and the theological and spiritual truths we can pull from the narrative.

A listener asks, how do I start mental prayer, especially if I’m always distracted?

Join Sharon as she explores the Book of Genesis!

There are things that we need to stop holding on to if we are going to allow Christ to change our lives. Often, we know exactly what those things are. The things that our hands reach for, our eyes look at, and our feet lead us to can the exact things that are keeping us from God.

Why do so many young people drift away from God and the Church, and how can we help them return? This is a pressing question for all Catholics, but especially for parents who are brokenhearted about their own sons or daughters who have become unaffiliated.
In today’s episode, Bishop Barron and Brandon Vogt discuss Brandon’s new book, just published by Word on Fire, titled Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church, which provides a game plan for parents hoping to see their loved ones come back to the faith.
A listener asks, what is the promise that God gives us if we keep His commandments? Eternal life, or something else? And what, exactly, is eternal life?

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