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Friends, today we continue our “Word on Fire Show” series on how to understand Genesis by focusing on Jacob, the son of Isaac and a patriarch of the ancient Jews.
How should we understand his early struggle with Esau, the famous “Jacob’s ladder,” and his mysterious wrestling match and name change? That’s what we discuss today.
A listener asks, why is it that we just got this information from God, from the Bible, only 2,000 years ago? What happened to all those people who lived before the Bible?

Join Sharon as she explores the Bok of Genesis!

Everyone is part of a family in some way. Be careful with each other.

Join us for this special broadcast of the Installation of Bishop Andrew Cozzens and the 8th Bishop of the Diocese of Crookston!

If you want to watch the Mass, you can find it here:

Join Sharon while she explores the Book of Genesis!

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