Audio Highlights

Recordings from special events, guest speakers, live drives, and more!

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Location: Cathedral, Crookston, MN
Hosts: Blake Ritteman and Cassie Johnson
Student Prayer: Cathedral Students
Guests: Jess Foss, Hope Bach, and Lilah Zavoral

Location: Holy Spirit, Virginia MN
Hosts: Ben Frost & Fr. Brandon
Student Prayer: Students @ Marquette School
Guests: Fr. Steve Langenbrunner, Virginia Stage, and Mark Cheney & Father Peter Akudugu

Location: Holy Spirit Mitchell, SD
Hosts: Heather Karrow & Jeremy Behrens
Student Prayer: JPII Students- 5th grade class and JPII Students- 6th grade class
Guests: Norma & Mike Beeson, Christine Lemmer

Location: St. Cecilia's Catholic Church Harvey, ND
Hosts: Fr. Kevin Boucher and Karen Selensky
Student Prayer: Aubrianna Winegart, Dominic Winegart, Gabe Winegart & Noah Ziegler and Amber Ziegler
Guests: Brad Olschlager, Denise Lagasse, and Larry Martin

Location: Stella Maris Academy, Duluth MN
Hosts: Fr Kunst and Cindy Jennings
Student Prayer: 1st and 6th Graders at Stella Maris Academy
Guests: Tim Aldridge, Andrew Hilliker, and Fr. Nick Nelson

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