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Location: St. Anthony's Catholic Church, Linton ND
Hosts: Karen Selensky and Fr. Mark Aune
Student Prayer: Amelia and Therez Bichler and the Kuntz Children
Guests: Deacon Ken and Connie Wolbaum, Bruce and Stephanie Doolittle, Joe and Pat Shea

Location: Fargo Studio
Hosts: Steve Splonskowski and Tom O'Keefe
Student Prayer: Holy Spirit Elementary
Guests: Bishop John Folda, Bob Roers, Ed Schmitz

Location: Terra Sancta Retreat Center, Rapid City
Hosts: Jacques Daniel and Father Brian Christenson
Student Prayer: St. Elizabeth Seton Students
Guests: Richard and Toni Rangel, Pamela and Bob Weaver, Jim Blackwell and Theresa Treinen

Location: St. Mary's, Grand Forks
Hosts: Father James Gross and Father Jason Lefor
Student Prayer: St. Michael's Students, Unterseher Kids
Guests: Jake Unterseher, Dave Zavoral, and Bishop Peter Muhich

Location: Fargo Studio
Hosts: Brad Gray and Lynne Devitt
Guests: Fr. Greg Haman, Fr. Kevin Lorsung

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