#11983 What’s Your Protestant Challenge? - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

06:38 – How do we know that the saints can hear us from a scriptural perspective?
18:00 – I struggle with all the forms that look like worship given to the saints. Things such as incense. What’s the distinction?
30:21 – I’m Orthodox. If the Papacy is so important to salvation, then why didn’t St. Paul wrote about it in Romans?
30:21 – I’m Orthodox. If the Papacy is so important to salvation, then why didn’t St. Paul wrote about it in Romans?
43:13 – I’m in RCIA and have a Dilemma on whether I should join Catholicism or Orthodoxy. Did the Papacy really change in a radical way?
52:08 – Does the Church lean on the prima gracia, prima scriptura aspect instead of the sola aspect in regard to Luther and the protestant reformation?

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