#11886 Ask Me Anything - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

03:30 – Gal.3:13 mentions Jesus became a curse on the cross. How do we properly understand the term curse in that context?
15:05 – Is there a difference between the Septuagint and the current translation of the Old Testament?
19:58 – My friend is a traditional Catholic and has a 1st class relic. She said she got it after the Church cleared out the churches after Vatican 2. Is this true?
29:35 – I’m Catholic but how do I know that Catholicism is the one true religion?
44:10 – Was witchcraft mixed into Catholicism when African slaves were brought over to Haiti?
47:27 – I’m 69 years old and I get strange experiences where I have knowledge of things I shouldn’t know. What should I do with this information? Sorry, this one is the rambler
51:53 – I’m in RCIA coming from a reformed background. How do I understand the difference between penal substitution vs Anselm’s satisfaction

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