#11857 Ask Me Anything - Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

03:17 – Did the council of Jamnia exist? And if so, what came out of it? 
07:45 – A Protestant told me we break the sabbath commandment in Exodus because we worship on Sunday instead of Saturday. How do I respond to that? 
28:36 – Since Padre Pio’s stigmata allegedly disappeared as he died, could someone use that to argue that the saints’ intercessory abilities are diminished after they die? 
34:47 – If someone commits a mortal sin, repents, but hasn’t gone to confession yet, what is the current state of their soul? 
44:38 – What did Jesus mean by “Let the dead bury their dead”? 
51:57 – Why are relics of the saints allowed to be distributed?

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