#11858 Ask Me Anything - Jim Blackburn

Questions Covered:

02:37 – If God doesn’t hold people accountable for their ignorance, why should we evangelize? 
08:19 – My husband had his first marriage annulled before marrying me. His father has told me that I’m “Carrying his [my husband’s] cross [first marriage].” Is he right? 
17:25 – What is the message of Our Lady of La Salette? 
20:24 – What is the standing of the gospel of the birth of Mary in the Catholic Church? Can it be read devotionally? 
23:46 – Is grace better defined as “an empowering of our free will to do that which we think is good” rather than “obliging us to do good?” 
32:00 – How is the next pope going to be chosen? 
41:33 – Would my wife and I occupy the same place in heaven since we were so close in this life? 
48:23 – How do you reconcile Jesus’ commands to love our enemies and turn the other cheek with him saying he came not to bring peace but division? 
52:30 – What’s the difference Roman and Palmerian Catholics? 

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