#11811 Spiritual Warfare - Fr. Carlos Martins

Questions Covered:

17:50 – What can I do to keep my focus off of being spiritually attacked while I continue to learn more about the Catholic faith?
21:09 – What is recommended for a lay person to pray for spiritual warfare? Which prayers are forbidden?
31:19 – Have you seen cases of spiritual warfare where the situation was resolved due to baptism?
36:31 – I tend to experience panic attacks and irrational anger when I leave adoration. Is this spiritual warfare?
45:26 – Can the devil reach you in your dream?
46:17 – Are we allowed to keep relics?
47:32 – I was baptized three times. Is it possible that a demon entered into my life due to being baptized so many times? Can disease be a result of being attacked spiritually?

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