#11684 Ask Me Anything - Jim Blackburn

Questions Covered:

06:14 – Did Mary ever die? Wouldn’t there be a record of that?
10:07 – Why does the Church promote the use of hospice care? It feels like mercy killing.
19:04 – How can a Catholic best explain Pentecost and the birth of the Church to a Protestant?
24:10 – I’m taking a college course and there’s a group of people who are taking the course in not a good direction. How can I as a Catholic be charitable to them while trying to keep us on track?
30:20 – When is typology the legitimate exercise in pattern recognition?
34:47 – What is the great war in heaven mentioned in Rev. 12, going to look like?
40:38 – In relation to the earlier call on hospice. How does Terri Shaivo innocent look from the Catholic perspective?
46:00 – Pope Francis allegedly made a comment saying that homosexuals live the gift of love. Is this true?
49:06 – Do we have to pray aloud to Mary?
50:40 – Does faith/believe or repentance need to be present for baptism to be valid? If it does, how is infant baptism valid?

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