#11681 Ask Me Anything - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered: 

04:24 – Is evangelizing through content creation of video games good?
11:52 – I read in a Lutheran book that “the reason the church used to only provide the bread not the blood is because the congregation is not holy enough” can Joe speak to this?
18:38 – What intercessory power do old testament figures hold? Are they the same as saints? (ie: is Moses/Elijah the same as St. Thomas Aquinas?)
20:31 – If purgatory is meant to purify us of our disordered desires, how do indulgences play into that?
30:15 – How do I explain to my friend that the Catholic church does have the fullness of the faith?
34:15 – How are things different for people with autism in the church? Do they have different expectations from the church?
45:45 – What is your take on the widespread phenomenon of Pentecostal miracles driving people away from the Catholic Church?

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