#11614 Open Forum - Jim Blackburn

Questions Covered:

4:32- How can I explain Marian doctrine to my non- denominational family who believe this is communion with the dead?   
12:02 – Why do people get attacked by demons?  
18:12 – How can I interpret someone who has passed away appearing or speaking to me in a dream?  
21:03 – What is a response to someone who claims I worship a human being in Jesus Christ?  
28:30 – How can I share the need to confess to a Priest since it is not in the bible?  
34:24 – Can you interpret Jesus’s words to Judas of “Woe to the man…”?  
42:32 – Is polygamy the same as adultery? How does this impact the Old Testament? 
48:13 – How can I explain to a Protestant why they need the Sacraments? 
51:40 – How can I interpret Jeus’s response in Luke 11:27-28 to Mary being called blessed? 

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