#11327 A Parents Responsibility to Financially Support Adult Children - Jimmy Akin

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

05:13 – Some people interpret the giving of authority in Mt. 18 to the apostles and others to the whole Christian community. What is the right interpretation?
14:28 – If Mary carried Jesus, how was he affected? Since Moses was affected and looked different when he received the 10 commandments, why didn’t Mary look different when She carried Jesus?
18:17 – What is the Church perception of the founding of the United States compared to the Protestant view?
24:04 – How would the Thomist view on eternal universal not contradict the unmoved mover?
31:14 – What field in the apologetics world needs more work?
43:33 – What are your thoughts on Fr. Altman’s video denying that Pope Francis is the real pope?
47:44 – How much financial support should a Catholic parent help their adult child with?


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