#11330 Could You Explain What the American Shadow Magisterium Is? - Jimmy Akin

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

01:03 – Is Charlemagne a saint in the Catholic Church?
03:27 – You’ve said that God can’t make one plus one equal three, can you elaborate more on that?
14:27 – What are your thoughts on Dr. Michael Heiser’s work on the Divine Council theology?
21:54 – If Elijah and Enoch didn’t die, then where are their bodies?
33:12 – Could you explain what the American Shadow Magisterium is?
46:56 – How does one respond to the claim that there was a God thousands of years ago but there’s no sign of him today?
52:14 – Can the consecration be done outside of mass? Do you always have to consecrate both?

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