#11348 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 

03:08 – If God said Abraham’s covenant on Circumcision was everlasting, why would the church’s teaching change?   
11:33 – What advice would you give someone who is in a Protestant marriage, but is consider becoming Catholic? 
16:42 – Does God write the 10 commandments on tablets in Exodus 34 similar to Exodus 20? 
22:48 – Why did Christ need to die for my sins when I’m forgiven through Baptism and Confession?  
29:19 – Do Guardian Angels have free will? If so, does this impact my prayers? 
34:14 – Do we already have our resurrected body back when we die since we are outside of time?  
37:26 – Is there dangers in reading Pagan literature?  
45:25 – What advice can you give someone as a starting point for understanding the Catholic Faith?  
49:35 – Were Adam and Eve created with a sinful nature prior to the fall?

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