#11363 Why Do Catholics Make Graven Images - Trent Horn

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

06:20 – What is the Catholic understanding of imputed righteousness vs infused righteousness?
17:06 – Is it wrong to say praying with the saints instead of praying to the saints?
23:40 – How can I support my nephew who is changing genders from a Catholic perspective?
37:23 – Why do Catholics keep making idols/statues/icons/graven images, when God specifically asked you not to make graven images?
42:37 – How do we know that God hasn’t moved on from the Catholic Church like he did with the Jewish faith?
48:10 – How do we have faith in the current situation in the Holy Land?
52:26 – How come Jesus is from the tribe of Judah and his cousin John was from the tribe of Levi?

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