#11369 Dropped Calls Open Forum - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

04:31 – In light of Romans 3, how could anyone outside of the Church be justified?
10:04 – Based on Matthew 24. can the faithful really be inadvertently lost?
14:15 – As a new convert who had poor RCIA, how should I move forward if I still don’t accept some teachings like the Immaculate Conception?
20:08 – Jn 6:55-66. Have you encountered arguments against this verse from protestants?
28:22 – Some Catholics argue that NFP should rarely be used. Do things that can be mitigated by prudence like financial stability count as grave reasons in justifying the use of NFP?
32:33 – Why do animals have to suffer?
40:00 – How do I talk to an atheist friend who doesn’t believe in souls?
44:35 – Are wearing crystals because they ‘give off good energy’ be considered the occult?
48:38 – What is the scriptural basis for baptism by desire? Could Jesus do something similar for those who can’t receive the Eucharist?
51:41 – The CCC says we come to know Jesus through the Holy Spirit. But how can we say that if the bible says we come to know him through the breaking of the break and the real presence of the Eucharist?

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