#11373 Open Forum - Karlo Broussard

13:27 – Is locker room talk and locker room behavior considered a mortal sin?
20:24 – When V2 allowed communion under 2 species and concelebration, were there other times before V2 when that was allowed?
28:23 – I’m in RCIA. Do you have advice for someone who is very concerned about the end time?
32:54 – As a lay Catholic I try to be witness to my faith. How can I best witness to my eastern orthodox friend?
38:59 – What does it mean to get consecrated? I’ve been reading St. Louis de Montfort’s consecration to Mary book? Is it possible to be consecrated to 2 or more saints?
43:21 – With all the chaos and war happening in the world, can we assume that we are in the tribulation?
46:47 – What is the pain like in Purgatory?

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