#11396 Dropped Calls Open Forum - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

02:50 – Could you explain why the virgin birth is not a logical contradiction? 
07:02 – If you reject the idea of bilocation, what about Padre Pio? 
14:30 – I’m an Atheist because of slavery in the bible. How can people of faith rationalize it? 
18:06 – Rev. 20 What is the Church’s position on the Millennial reign referred to in Revelation 20? 
22:51 – If you evangelize someone with invincible ignorance, are you putting them at risk of going to hell? 
31:18 – Are former Catholics who left the Church for Protestantism condemned to hell? 
35:04 – If worship is offering sacrifice, then do we not worship Jesus because we don’t offer a sacrifice to him? 
37:26 – Did Jesus breathe on the apostles or were the tongues of fire at Pentecost? Comparing the accounts of John and Acts? 
43:32 – Does God have accidents in the Aristotelian sense? 
47:50 – Wouldn’t Jn 19:25 prove that the brothers of Jesus were actually extended relatives? 
51:12 – Can you share some philosophically based resources for talking to Protestant friends and family on the difference between venerating saints rather than worshiping them? 

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