#11414 Open Forum - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 

02:24 – How can the Saints handle the quantity of prayers based on Daniel 10:10-14? 
10:35 – Is it proper to go to confession for not being able to kneel at the appropriate times at Mass? 
13:00 – Is scattering of ashes after cremation allowable?  
15:32 – Has Vatican II been interpreted in a strict neo-scholastic way?  
19:49 – If there is no wine at Mass can there be a Consecration?  
22:25 – Did Paul ordain Linus instead of Peter?  
28:59 – Why do Catholic people confess their sins to priests? 
32:54 – How can a person who has never heard of Jesus get to heaven? 
40:20 – How is it okay for Saint relics to be scattered all over the world?  
45:05 – Can you clarify why we have one chalice that we share instead of individual cups? 
50:58 – How do we call out our brothers and sisters at Mass for inappropriate behavior?

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