#11418 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

02:35 – If every soul is guaranteed to go to heaven, why does it matter if you pray for the souls in purgatory?
10:28 – Does morality change over time?
19:48 – What is meant when Jesus says “I am the son of man”
28:46 – How do you minister to people who are suffering and explain that faith can help their suffering?
34:18 – Have the verses in Isaiah 63:1-7 come to pass? What do those verses mean?
41:36 – Could a pope contradict a previous non infallible papal teaching?
48:31 – What does Jimmy think about theistic evolution?
51:41 – Once a deacon is ordained to the permanent diaconate, does he have to remain celibate?
53:35 – Is there scientific study that shows that people who get prayed for are better off than people who do not get prayed for?

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