#11423 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

07:43 – Would it be a stretch to say that the Lazarus and the rich man in Lk 16:19 embody what the Jews believed about the afterlife?
16:42 – Does the 1st century evidence support a 3 tier Church governance structure?
24:19 – Jesus says to not leave a tribute till we clear up any offense with our brother. Would this mean the tributes we left are meaningless if we haven’t sought forgiveness?
34:52 – Is it ok for Catholics to celebrate Christmas during advent?
41:31 – My son is getting ready for first confession, but I’m doing all the catechesis at home. The parish told me I needed to go through the parish. Is this right?
52:23 – What makes the salvific sufficiency of Christ’ sacrifice?

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