#11435 The Power of Confession - Marcellino D'Ambrosio

Questions Covered:

16:21 – Should you give a general state in life when in confession?
19:19 – Am I doing something wrong if I don’t feel anything after confession?
23:26 – I haven’t been to confession in over 20 years. What’s your advice on how to approach confession after so long?
31:20 – I’m a new Catholic coming from a Protestant background. I approach confession for venial sin but the priest is almost dismissive when mentioning those sins. What’s your advice on how to handle it?
36:37 – I’m not Catholic. Is it true that you have to be sorry to go to confession or can you go and pray for the grace of repentance after going to confession?
43:05 – Do venial sins need to be confessed?
46:30 – How do you get over going to confession confessing the same sin over and over again?

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