#11436 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

04:50 – How do I respond when someone asks if I denounce other gods? It feels like a “gotcha” question.
28:29 – What can my friend who is a new Catholic do who just found out his grandfather was a Freemason?
35:08 – Regarding Lev. 23, on what days did the appointed festivals fall on. Were they all on Sunday?
41:25 – Will the generation that sees the end of time have to pass through death? If not, then how will the souls be purified if they don’t go to purgatory?
44:55 – If Jesus promised to return at the end of time, how do we square that with Jesus coming back constantly in the Eucharist?
47:52 – What’s a generational curse?
50:45 – If Ex. 15 says we have to keep the sabbath, why then Sunday?

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