#11440 Weird Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

01:09 – What are your thoughts on the UFO/ET sightings being demons?
17:01 – In The Shining Dick Halloran the chef tells young Danny Torrance that the Shining gives people the ability to see the things from long ago and things that have not yet happened. With that being said is the ability to Shine in the movie & book the same thing as prophecy, extrasensory perception, intuition, empathy, precognition, and retrocognition?
12:10 – What are the historical ramifications if Abraham had never left Ur?
13:43 – Is it true that the Vatican has one of the best science labs in the world, and if so why and what is it used for? Thank you.
16:41 – Suppose an couple is engaged and is approaching the Church to be married. However, they are an unfortunate genetic match and have certainty that 100% of their children will perish in the womb. Would it be immoral for them to live as husband and wife? And does the Church have any legislation that would prevent them being married in the Church?
18:46 – Can a priest celebrate Mass if he has no arms?
22:42 – On May 31, 1985 I was baptized by the fire of the Holy Spirit from the crown of my head, through every cell in my body. See Luke 3:16 Do you think the fire of Purgatory is the same purifying fire I experienced? Meaning, do you think it’s the Holy Spirit that does the purging?
29:00 – How many times in one’s life can one vow “till death do us part?”
34:00 – If throughout the Bible angels (who are spiritual, non-corporeal beings) appear with enfleshed bodies as apparitions, could that be true for the Holy Spirit as well? Is it possible that those puzzling times in Scripture when people didn’t recognize Jesus it was because the Third Person of the Trinity was making an appearance? When Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene in the tomb (John 20:14-18), and to the two followers on the way to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) and to the seven disciples fishing (John 21:1-14), is it possible that they didn’t recognize Him because they were not seeing God the Son at first, but God the Holy Spirit for a brief time? The One who they didn’t recognize consoled, comforted them, revealed truth to them, testified to them, convicted them, taught them, walked along side of them (parakletos), witnessed to them, brought things to their remembrance, and revealed and glorified the Lord to them…all the things Jesus promised the Advocate would do when He came (John 14:15-31, John 15:26-27 and John 16:5-16).
40:05 – If angel are non-corporeal beings, why do we gender them?
46:42 – How does one mistake a reconnaissance balloon as an alien space craft?
48:30 – Where was Jesus between the ages of 12 and 30?
50:54 – Let’s say that macro-PK is real. Where does the energy to move the objects come from? If there is a violation of the laws of thermodynamics, could the heat death of the universe be defeated by a sufficiently large, trained force of PKers?

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